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Nordic EUS 2023

Forfatters billede: AdminAdmin

Dear sirs/madams

We have the pleasure of inviting you to join us for this next meeting in the NordicEUS series, after the previous highly successful event in Gothenburg last year.

Diagnostic EUS, as well as an increasing range of therapeutic/interventionalprocedures, is becoming a big component of interventional endoscopy, also in ourNordic countries. The combination of EUS and ERCP is also increasingly relevant, asseen by the combined program of the meeting last year. We believe that the meetingwill represent a valuable meeting for interventional endoscopist and we truly hopethis will be of interest to you.

Highlights from the program

- Live demo procedures from Valledolid, New Dehli and Oslo

- Debate presentations about unsettled topics

- Quizzes and polls

- Poster presentations

- Industrial exhibition

- Course dinner


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